Nebulae Collection
By Juliette Leong

Fire Pig

Super Nova Dog
The Mask
Lagoon Nebula

Monster Nebula

Supernova Dog

The Bear Emission
Nebula Paintings of 2024
I painted this Nebulae Collection as a commission by American Mensa for the Young Mensan Magazine. These were such a joy to paint. I first painted the canvas black. Then, I poured the background with different colors of acrylic paint. (For some paintings, I did two pours.) After it dried, I used watered-down white, turquoise (and sometimes gray) gouache paint to create a cloudy, galaxy, and nebula effect. Then, I used white acrylic paint to paint "light." For some paintings, I splashed white and turquoise paint using a toothbrush to give it a stars everywhere effect. For some of the paintings, I painted sparkles using a thin paintbrush. For one painting, I added glitter before I painted the sparkles. Then, I named the paintings based on what I learned about nebulae.
- Juliette Leong